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Meet Diago

Diago started coming to the church in Heredria, Costa Rica where I had done a good bit of training. Now he is …

Recent Email Testimonial

Last March I taught for a week in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, México. Hundreds were trained and touched with the Gospel. Last week I …

Next Stop: CCC Institute Costa Rica

Shoulder surgery is complete.  With a five-pound limit I’m off to Costa Rica, to attend the Central American Leadership Meeting. I will …

El Salvador & Costa Rica

El Salvador:  Young Adults Moving Into Leadership Ten days before flying to El Salvador and Costa Rica I came down with Covid. …

Wow! That Went Fast!

The training of Native Americans (Lakota Sioux) in the Black Hills of South Dakota went great. While it was a small crowd …

It’s Happening!

It’s Happening in the Black Hills of South Dakota On our recent trip to South Dakota, Bonnie and I met a couple …