You might be asking, “Thor, what are you doing in Sinaloa, México?”
I was asked to help in the recruitment, training and, nurturing of 17 church planters in Sinaloa, Mexico. Yes, God is at work in the Sinaloa state of Mexico!
November, 2022 marks my third trip to Sinaloa, and I’ve also committed to make three trips in 2023. We’ve already had five people seriously consider that the Lord may be calling them to become a church planter.
This is so exciting because the ministry I’m working with has seventeen community centers (and still growing) that minister with the poor in different towns in Sinaloa. Each one has a building the size of a gym with a kitchen where they feed people, educate kids, and have bible studies. The local governments are so impressed they offer to donate land for these centers to be built on.
The challenge is to raise up church planters to pastor each of these communities.