Seek The Kingdom of God
If you were to ask me, “What would be the one thing for me to grasp in my understanding of God and life?”
I would answer, “Do all you can to expose yourself to an understanding of the Kingdom of God. It’s the entire deal!
Jesus taught us to pray is “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.” In that moment the Kingdom was coming to earth. He drove the flag of the divine into the earth and said, “This belongs to me” and set in motion an eternal kingdom that God will rule.
King Jesus is on the move and the Kingdom is moving through Him. He has come to proclaim and demonstrate the presence and power of the Kingdom breaking in through Him. He preaches Good News, God’s final deliverance for His people, and sends demons packing. There is a King who will never be dethrowned and His name is Jesus.
We who are followers of Jesus are Kingdom Seekers with Kingdom Glasses. When the Kingdom erupts, we need to be able to see it like Jesus did, when he looked up in that sycamore tree and saw it erupt in the heart of Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector. (Luke 19:10)
Followers of Jesus are like the gasoline of the Kingdom. When we see where the Kingdom of God is growing, we work to increase what God is already doing. That is why a great prayer for a person or situation that God is already working in is, “More Lord. More of your Kingdom”.