I Don’t Want…You!

It was a year ago that I met Pasha at an orphanage outside of Kiev, Ukraine. We met up again when I was in Ukraine 6 weeks ago. I invited Pasha to hang out with me and Jeff Miller, one of my Church Planters from the US who was helping me train leaders.
On the second morning, while drinking coffee in the cafe’, Pasha shared his story. In short, his mother had killed his Dad and went to jail. Pasha ended up in an orphanage.
Recently, he discovered that his mother was released from jail and living in the same village as the orphanage. He found her and went to see her to ask her, “Why did you not contact me?”.
“I don’t want anything to do with you,” she answered.
The Lord showed up and I shared the story of Jesus with him. I told him about how God loved him and if he wanted he could become a follower of Jesus right there. Pasha became a follower of Jesus that morning at the coffee cafe’. I think it’s safe to say it was the best week of his life.
As I finished writing this I received a test from Olya (friend and translator) in Ukraine. She has been communicating with Pasha.
“I talked to Pasha today and he has very sad news. His Mom died today.. Yesterday she had a microstroke and fell into coma and today she died. He’s devastated.. I was talking to one of my friends who is organizing youth summer camps in Crimea. There’s gonna be their annual camp in August. I thought this might be a great idea for Pasha to get some fellowship, new friends, knowledge about Сhrsitian life and just have fun. the camp itself costs around 70$. plus travelling will cost around 70$. Let me know if you would like to sponsor that.”
I responded letting her know that of course we would. I’m so glad he met Jesus when he did.