Hair-Raising Bus Ride Becomes Hair-Raising Plane Ride
That “four hour” bus ride took 9.5 hours!
Needless to say, when the seminar was over we flew back to Panama City. Ha!
Of course, that flight was another story all together.
It’s Sunday. The bus was leaving for Panama City in two hours. We were worshipping at the church while at the same time dreading the upcoming bus ride. If only we could fly but that wasn’t an option. There were simply no seats left!
Then I felt the Lord speak to me, “You are flying.”
Jason, who travels with me, was worshipping but I interrupted and said, “Jason, we are flying.”
Following the singing I shared a message. At the end of the service a young lady walked up to me. She heard we tried to get a plane ticket to no avail, and it just so happened she worked for the airlines. She told me she would get us on the flight in two hours.
She did it. We were on standby…and made the flight! We were SO very happy.
And then, we saw the plane…
Not the one pictured above but it was similar.
It was a prop plane with black exhaust all over the wings. Let’s just say, it was OLD!
Nonetheless, we were TOTALLY happy about not getting on the bus. Praise the Lord! He continues to take good care of all of us.
Praying that your ride through this virus is safe and awe-inspiring.