A Knock on the Door

A Knock on the Door

I opened my front door and there stood a 6’4″ 20-year-old who wanted to pressure wash my house. We got to talking and he asked what I did. After sharing about some of the more dangerous places I’ve been he asked, “Can I go with you?”

I recognized right then that this was a divine appointment. I answered, “Yes, but I have to warn you. If you hang out with me, you are liable to go into full time ministry.” It seems to happen again and again in every country I go to.

It’s looks like he will be joining me in the Panama Mission in February 2025.

It Happened with Josue.

You may have already heard the story. I met Josue Moran during a divine appointment in El Salvador a number of years ago. During dinner, with a group of pastors, I felt like the Lord told me to go meet this university student

(below left with the white hat) that was sitting across from me. He not only led worship that evening, but he turned out to be my interpreter.Following the Lord’s lead I sat down next to Josue. We talked and I discovered that he was a computer science major at the university. Feeling this was a divine appointment I asked, “Could you get 25 university students together? If you can, I’ll come and do a “Discover God’s Calling for Your Life” workshop.” He said “Yes.” And he did it!

Ever since that workshop Josue has been coordinating Latin America for me, as well as serving as my interpreter throughout the region. Below are pics of Josue in action during a couple of our missions trips.

Josue Accepted at Gordon Conwell Charlotte Campus

A number of months ago Josue said he had something to tell me. I listened as he shared that the Lord had been speaking to him about going to seminary. I think I probably said something like, “I knew that. I was just waiting for you to figure it out.” Classes start September 9th.

Below: Josue with the President of Gordon Conwell Seminary

Josue gets it.

If you hang out with Thor, you are liable to end up in full time ministry.

And it’s happening with Josue now also.

If you hang out with Josue, you are liable to end up in full time ministry.

I have to warn you. If you hang out with me, you are liable to go into full time ministry.

It seems to happen again and again in every country I go to.

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